bullet IT Infrastructure
bullet Security & Network:
bullet Business Software
bullet IT Services
  CRM (Customer Relationship Management):
It enables your sales, marketing and support teams to improve the management of their relationships with customer and prospects. Users of this solution find that it is an affordable and scaleable CRM solution that can be easily customized and offers rapid return on investment.
  ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning):
Vinayak Info-Net Solutions Pvt. Ltd. offers leading ERP solutions and services in the region. It offers comprehensive finance, distribution, manufacturing and services functionality.
 Business Intelligence:
The gap between the amount of information available and our ability to analyze and understand this information is widening. With its ability to bring together data from different sources and present in a meaningful form to the ordinary user, BI can provide the management and staff with a single vision of enterprise.
  HIMS (Healthcare Information Management Systems):
Today healthcare sector is exploring for new ways to improve the quality of patient care and cut costs, enhancing patient satisfaction. We help you in achieving this.
  Project and Portfolio Management:
It helps manage the entire project portfolio lifecycle including projects of all sizes. It also helps to make better portfolio management decisions, evaluate risks. Helps in better execution of the project and deliver the project successfully and on time.
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